Thread Theory

Welcome to the new era of menswear sewing. Go ahead and create something exceptional!

And now it is Summer at the farm!


Wow, Summer is certainly our busy season this year! Since the pandemic began Thread Theory has become exceptionally active so we are actually thankful that Matt’s usual work is at a stand still so he can join in to pack orders, do runs to the post office, and keep up on emails. I have been helping with this and also chugging along at pattern development. One pattern is completely done and just waiting for our graphic designer (my sister-in-law) to come back from maternity leave and add in our test sewer feedback. The next pattern is well under way! I’ve got most of the instructions roughed in. This has been more time consuming than our past couple of patterns because it is a very involved design full of all manner of construction details – topstitching, a full lining, zippered pockets, elasticated cuffs and much more. Perhaps you can guess what it is?

Outside of Thread Theory, homestead life is, predictably, at it’s most busy time too! We’ve finally settled on a name for our property – Forgotten Pond Farm – after setting out to put a small tadpole pond in our fern garden only to discover a huge concrete-lined pond is already there! It had simply been filled in with stones and dirt at some point. We have been excitedly digging and cleaning it out. After one last chance to dry in the sun we will build some rock ledges for plants and then fill it with water! I can’t wait for the frogs to take up residence!

Our garden is pumping out zucchini, kale, collards, garlic, potatoes, beans and more. The only disappointing harvest has been tomatoes so far as they have a very dismal case of late blight. We have built a bit of a cold room off our kitchen (it used to be an unused entry way that we’ve closed in and put up shelving and added ventilation). I can’t believe how quickly it is filling up with food! So far most of my preserving efforts have involved dehydrating, curing, and freezing but I plan to launch into canning once blackberries and tomatoes are fully ripe in a week or two.

You may have noticed I have been silent on social media. I must say, I don’t miss it! Personally, I was finding Instagram, in particular, to be a huge drain on my positivity and confidence. Professionally, Matt and I felt we had to clear the airwaves to leave these platforms free for those who need them for social change rather than marketing right now. We purposely didn’t make any statement on the pandemic or on racial equality since we have the perspective that any such statement would not be truly genuine – as a business, any post we make is a form of marketing (whether we intend it to be or not) and thus we don’t feel an important social statement would come across as genuine on the social media account of any business. Personally, I am more than happy to talk with you about the subject! Our business will not though.

Now that we’ve stepped off of social media and given ourselves some time to digest how we feel about using such platforms as a business, I am feeling quite happy with my decision. I feel like I can connect with other sewists most genuinely by blogging and reading blogs so I am reverting to that format of engaging with the sewing community online regardless on the impact this might have on Thread Theory financially.

Please feel free to continue using various Thread Theory hashtags if they are helpful to you… but please never feel obligated to do so when you post about our patterns! If you prefer to keep your sewing projects private or shared just amidst your friends and family, there is absolutely no obligation on your part to promote our patterns using hashtags. We have always been a little mystified by the sense of obligation I have read many people express when they sew with indie sewing patterns. Despite being a small family run company and despite the fact that we love how a community of menswear sewists has developed through use of our patterns (I can’t believe how active the Facebook group is) I have never felt comfortable with the role many of our customers set themselves. You have purchased our patterns and we thank you for that! You do not need to spend your precious creative time reviewing them, sharing them and otherwise marketing them unless this is also something that enriches your life!

All that being said, the Thread Theory social media accounts will remain active for now as I have committed many years of work on them and I know many of you enjoy engaging with them. I’ll just refrain from engaging myself and may make a more permanent decision later. For now it seems to me there is no reason to actually close them.

Now, I’ll get back to my sewing machine and pattern development (and hanging out with little Noah!), as that is really why you all check in with Thread Theory, after all… you are waiting for more sewing patterns so you can get busy at your machines too! Happy sewing to all of you and thank you ever so much for reading about my life and my current perspective on social media. Please don’t hesitate to share your opinions in the comments as I know many of you differ in how you expect small businesses to act on social media. I look forward to hearing the diverse array of perspectives.

16 thoughts on “And now it is Summer at the farm!

  1. I totally agree with you. I also have gotten off social media (Facebook, Instagram) because I found it to be a waste of time and emotional drain. Instead, I much prefer actually DOING things and reading blogs (like yours!) and books on issues instead. As the old adage says.. ā€œActions speak louder than wordsā€.

    Thank you so much for sharing little insights about your personal life. Itā€™s really fun to see your family and homestead grow! Keep up the good work:)

    Santa Cruz, California

  2. I can’t wait to see your new patterns… but I guess I can because I have to!
    Noah is growing like a weed at Forgotten Pond Farm! (Love the name!)
    Your business and personal decisions are yours to make. I appreciate that you and Matt have thought about them deeply.

  3. Is it a jacket? Isitajacketisitajacket? šŸ¤© Ditto blogs versus IG – IG is fine for a quick bit of reference, but I enjoy blogs much more! Sadly, I also agree about tomato blight. I got enough cherry tomatoes to snack on but my sauce tomatoes were a firm no (or I guess, a squishy no?).

  4. I agree with your decision to not make a statement. Statements to me are like New Years resolutions, some are genuine while others slip into obscurity very quickly. I would much rather see a result after ones journey than a PR bite because ones feels it is what is expected.

  5. Morgan, what a great post! I want to thank you and Matt for helping to fill a void in the sewing world, and for the sharing of your knowledge and expertise. I always smile when I read your posts. Your thoughtfulness, resourcefulness, hard work, determination, and commitment to community are reflected in everything you share, both within your business and personal life. That says more about you and your ethics, than any position statement ever could. You inspire me with your regular blogs, to reflect on my own life and to try and do things better. Hats off to you and Matt for your dedication to your work, family life and values.

  6. Iā€™m disappointed in your decision to not make a statement on your stance on the BLM movement as personally I feel no statement says a lot more than a few words from yourselves. You come from a very privileged position to be able to step back and not acknowledge the events going on in the world.

    • Thanks for sharing your perspective! If you would like to hear a personal statment from me, I would be very happy to share one if you email me ( but Thread Theory as a business won’t make a social media statment. Thread Theory is a business that sells things and I don’t think a constructive and genuine change can be made for this social movement when businesses, who use social media as a way to market a product, throw in one public political statement on these platforms. The statement, in context of the usual marketing operations, becomes a form of marketing too (by improving customer relationships with the business). It doesn’t sit right with me. In my opinion personal (individual) statements by the business owners and operators outside of their marketing platforms and action (through the way the business owners and operators choose to operate their business) will create more lasting change than statements made through marketing channels.

  7. I love this perspective. I appreciate how thoughtful and real you and Matt have always been with what you do in your business. Iā€™ve taken the summer off of Instagram as well and have focused on blogging because I feel I can be more authentic and present a fuller picture of who I am, even though it only focuses on the part of my life that involves sewing and photography.

  8. When I link or hashtag your patterns on my blog or Instagram itā€™s with feelings of pride and joy not obligation! I want other sewists to find good menswear patterns since they are so rare and to encourage sewing by and for men. You might be overthinking the issue. But no worries if you want to step back from social media. Iā€™ve been really enjoying the glimpses of your lovely family and farm. Hope the pond doesnā€™t leak! (Might need a liner, just saying.) And looking forward with interest to your next pattern release. Warm hugs from the other side of the Salish Sea!

    • The pond seems to be holding water! We filled it yesterday to test and the level hasn’t gone down yet. There are already a few frogs swimming in it! I’m glad you feel so positively about using our hashtags.

  9. C’est toujours un plaisir de voir Noah grandir dans un cadre de vie si agrĆ©able !

  10. So lovey to read how you are all going and what a gorgeous yard. I will be waiting patiently for my emails and you I am looking forward to the new pattern.

  11. You work hard on your farm . I can tell by the looks of your hands . Love following your lives .

  12. I couldn’t agree more with your perspective. I read newsletters, blogs etc. for creative information, inspiration & news. I’m quite tired of reading about people’s statements about the goings on in today’s world. I sure had to shake my head when I read the newsletter of one Canadian small business who plans to support an American charity. Don’t we have enough people in Canada to lend our support to??? I believe we do.
    Bottom line, I love your newsletter and just can’t get into Instagram or FB for that matter. Keep up the great work!

What do you think? Leave a comment for me :)