Thread Theory

Welcome to the new era of menswear sewing. Go ahead and create something exceptional!

Tutorial: Removing the yoke and adding welt pockets to the Jedediah Pants


Today I have the first of three tutorials to show you (as a result of our Tutorial Contest).  This tutorial was submitted after the contest deadline by Roni Arbel but it is so excellent I just HAD to include it along with the winner’s two tutorials!  Now get ready for an excellent lesson in both pattern manipulation and careful sewing as Roni teaches you how to use the Jedediah Pants to create an entirely different style of pants!

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Thank you, Roni, for taking the time to create such a wonderful tutorial!  I love the design changes and especially love the single button on one of the welts – very professional!

Expect more great information and posts in the future on Roni’s new blog, Wardrobe Histology!

Do you have any questions about this tutorial?  Ask them in the comments below and I will answer them for you. I look forward to seeing the trousers made using Roni’s excellent instructions!