Thread Theory

Welcome to the new era of menswear sewing. Go ahead and create something exceptional!

It’s time for a contest! Make us a tutorial!


Today is my birthday, and as a little present to myself I’ve decided to take some work off of my own plate and ask if you want to do it instead!  Don’t worry, it’s actually work you will WANT to do.  You don’t believe me?  Well let me explain:


We are holding a tutorial contest!  To enter, you will need to make a tutorial to accompany a Thread Theory pattern or kit.  The tutorial can be on absolutely anything related to the pattern/kit of your choice!  There will be an excellent selection of prizes for the winner of each category (more on that later).

The winning tutorials will be chosen by Matt and I based on how relevant and useful they are for the specific pattern and also how nicely presented and clear they are.  All the winning tutorials will be published on our website under the Tutorials heading and on our blog.

Now here are the category details:


Entries for the “Super Useful Tutorial” category will be judged by us based on how informative and clear they are and how relevant they are to our patterns.  For example, if you have noticed that we are really in need of a specific tutorial and have a gap to be filled, we have probably been thinking the same thing (and so we will be thrilled if you fill that gap)!  Tutorials for this category must be submitted by email to by July 21st.  Any format is accepted – get creative- a Word document with photos, a video, an info-graphic…surprise us!

The winner from this category will be given the following prize pack:

  • a $50 (CAD) gift certificate to the Thread Theory store
  • a Comox Trunks supplies kit in the colour of your choice
  • a selection of Goldstar pattern drafting tools (pictures coming in a separate post!)


Entries for the “Very Beautiful Tutorial” category will be judged on how nicely the tutorial is presented (and, of course, the tutorial must be relevant and useful!).  Bust out your paint set, your camera or your graphic design skills and wow us with a beautifully presented tutorial!  Tutorials for this category must be submitted by email to by July 21st.  Any format is accepted – get creative- a Word document with photos, a video, an info-graphic…surprise us!

The winner from this category will be given the following prize pack:

  • a $50 (CAD) gift certificate to the Thread Theory store
  • two tissue Thread Theory patterns of your choice (if you already have all of our patterns you can request to be given future releases)
  • a selection of my favorite sewing tools from our stockist, Modern Domestic (pictures coming in a separate post!)


Entries for the “Social Butterfly Tutorial” category will be chosen from tutorials that have been posted on your blogs or other forms of social media (an infographic on Pinterest or a sew-along on Kollabora for example).  Just because you’re writing a tutorial for us doesn’t mean you can’t use it on your blog as well!  We will judge these tutorials based on how engaged viewers are – have people commented on your blog?  Are they hearting you on Kollabora?  Are people tweeting that they are using your tutorial? Tutorials for this category must be submitted by linking to them in the comments below or by emailing us at with a link by July 21st.  Keep in mind that you will likely want to post your tutorial quite soon for this category so that it has time to gather comments and general sewist enthusiasm before July 21st!  I can’t wait to see what people make using your tutorial!

The winner from this category will be given the following prize pack:

  • a $50 (CAD) gift certificate to the Thread Theory store
  • a bar of Otter Wax and Merchant & Mills glass headed pins
  • a selection of striped knits from our stockist, A Fashionable Stitch (perfect for Comox Trunks!)

I’m so excited about this!  Best birthday present EVER (if I do say so myself).  I’m really looking forward to having the pressure of tutorial creation taken off of me for a while as I am currently in full swing new-pattern-production mode…which is something I am sure you all want to enable :).

Please email us or comment if you have any questions or want to run ideas by us.  Tutorials can be as big or as small as you would like – for example you could teach us how to make the perfect bar tack on the Jedediah Pants or you could take us through an entire Newcastle Cardigan sew-along (just because I’ve mentioned these two specific examples doesn’t mean you need to avoid making these…hint hint!).  If we receive more than one ‘winning’ entry per category we will be choosing runners-up and will be offering you a little prize as well in exchange for the privilege we will have of using your awesome tutorial on our website!

Now get sewing, photographing and writing! 🙂


12 thoughts on “It’s time for a contest! Make us a tutorial!

  1. Pingback: A Super Useful Fabric Covered Elastic Waistband Tutorial | Thread Theory

  2. Pingback: Tutorial: Removing the yoke and adding welt pockets to the Jedediah Pants | Thread Theory

  3. Pingback: Tutorial Contest Winner Announcement | Thread Theory

  4. Pingback: 6 days left until the Tutorial Contest deadline! |

  5. Pingback: A big list of great tutorials |

  6. This is a fantastic idea! Unfortunately I’m ideasless at the moment but I look forward to reading/watching others tutes.

  7. Pingback: Tutorial Contest Prize Packages |

  8. How exciting! It’s such a great idea! I think I have a tutorial in mind! 🙂

What do you think? Leave a comment for me :)