Thread Theory

Welcome to the new era of menswear sewing. Go ahead and create something exceptional!

Plans for our new studio!



We have big changes coming up this Summer both personally and professionally as Matt and I will be moving – and, by default, our in-home Thread Theory studio will also be changing locations!  We’ve been in a small duplex rancher for the last year and a half and, what with our many boxes of Thread Theory patterns and our recent acquisition of a large, rambunctious dog, we have become pretty cramped!  Fortunately, we recently stumbled upon the most amazing long term house sitting opportunity.  So this summer we’ll be moving into what Matt and I consider to be our dream house.  It’s a 2500 sq ft home on 2 acres.  The house overlooks some beautiful farmland and mountains and the owners have lovingly renovated it to take full advantage of the view.  The entire house is completely filled with bright, open light and just walking into it I feel inspired to live life to the fullest!  It’s going to be VERY difficult to move out when the owners arrive home from their travels!

While I’m obviously really excited to move for personal reasons, I am also looking forward to creating a more workable and inspiring space for Thread Theory.  I don’t often show photos of the current Thread Theory studio on the blog because it isn’t the light, airy, brick walled space that so many other sewing professionals seem to occupy (sigh…so envious of Tilly’s studio and the Colette Patterns studio!).  But, in the interest of full disclosure and accurate ‘before & after’ photos, here is what we are currently working with as of today:

The current Thread Theory studio includes a computer station created in a re-purposed dining room/entry hall…


A bedroom stuffed with my sewing machines, cutting table and fabric…



A corner of Matt’s ‘shop’ (a tiny spare bedroom) filled with packaging materials…


…and a hallway of shelved closets with the doors removed as our pattern storage and Thread Theory ‘store’.


While the spaces themselves aren’t ideal, I love some of the elements within our current Thread Theory studio – I would just prefer these elements to be arranged in a more open concept and spacious manner.

Here are a few things I love and plan to transition to the new space:

I really enjoy working on my pinning and cutting table (view the tutorial to create this padded table top here)…


I love my industrial sewing machine…


…and our standing desk has done wonders for my back and my ability to focus.


In the new space I hope to add a few new features:

Fabric Bolt Storage and Packaging Station

I hope to switch from this:

To something like this:

Sources: 1234

Lighting – Natural and Artificial

Pendant lights would be lovely above the standing desk and my cutting table.  And I hope to position the studio furniture to take full advantage of the amazing natural light throughout the house!

Sources: 12

Organization – Shipping Station, Seating, Office Supplies

This will be a dramatic change.  We’ll get rid of this chaos:


And we will try to incorporate some practical elements such as shelving topped by work tables, seating that takes up very little space (my current sewing chair is way too massive), and movable organization carts.

Sources: 123

In case you are also planning to re-organize or upgrade your sewing room, here are a few more really inspiring links to check out!




10 thoughts on “Plans for our new studio!

  1. I’m so excited for you two! A fresh start is always fun, especially when you’re going to a lovely space. I predict this will usher in new and exciting things for Thread Theory. 🙂

  2. Thanks for all the inspiration and sharing your real space! Though we all aspire to bigger and brighter, it’s important to realize you can accomplish a lot even in a smaller space! I like that you take small steps and keep it real! You’re doing great!

    • Yes, even though our space isn’t glamorous or all that inspiring, it sure is practical (and realistically in line with the rest of our lifestyle)! It’s amazing how little equipment is absolutely necessary to run our home business. Thanks for the encouragement!

  3. Good luck with the move!

  4. Congratulations on your upcoming move! That new house sounds amazing. I’ll be curious to see how the new studio unfolds. All the natural light and the beautiful view sound very inspiring and great for keeping motivated at work.

  5. Keeping it real! I like that! It’s been suggested {or possibly proven} that we think better when standing…so making decisions, learning new things, creative thought etc., is enhanced by standing.

    • Yes, we had read similar reports! I haven’t done any scientific tests to prove what I’ve experienced but both Matt and I find we are far less likely to mindlessly waste time on the computer and are more likely to efficiently complete our to-do lists than we were when we worked on the computer while sitting. This, paired with much happier backs has certainly made the standing desk worth our slightly tired feet!

What do you think? Leave a comment for me :)